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Anthony Dyson, The Tenant Defender 416-410-1080
I only lease office buildings, I only work with tenants and I only work in your neighbourhood.

Who Should Be Involved?

Smaller Tenants often involve the owner or possibly a competent staff person who can report back with the details after the preliminary research is done. 

Larger companies may opt to form a team to handle the project with representatives from key departments of the company headed up by senior executive who makes the decisions. 

Hire Your Professionals

Generally it is a wise idea to bring on board other professionals such as space planners or architects especially if your company is a large one.  They will be invaluable allies in the search for space. A commercial broker will be able to recommend a good one. 

 Landlord’s will generally provide their space planners for you or pay for yours.  Obviously, like all the professionals you hire the best ones will not be aligned with any Landlord. 

In addition, you only have to go over your criteria with one planner and not multiple planners if, as is the case most often, that more than one building is in the running and must be planned out for comparison purposes.