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Anthony Dyson, The Tenant Defender 416-410-1080
I only lease office buildings, I only work with tenants and I only work in your neighbourhood.
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Tenant Results

Since 1989  we've had a number of name changes but our clients still get great results.  But you don't have to take my word for it.  Individual companies in the letter gallery below outline savings from $500,00 to $5 million.  They also report other non-monetary results:

A few excepts...

 Flexibility: "flexibility for us to take more space, reduce our space needs or to cancel our lease if necessary in the future. The Dyson team included their recommended design consultants. We got a total package from start to finish including analysis of our space requirements, space planning, project management, tendering of our leasehold improvements  ensuring that construction was completed on time and resolution of any construction defects. Not only are our offices extremely attractive, but the tender process resulted in the best bottom line prices for our leasehold improvements. -Blaiklock


"$19.00 a foot"  - CI Group,  

$5 million over 10 years - Harlequin, 

$750,000 over 10 years - Jonik, 

$500,000 -Victorian Order of Nurses (renegotiation)

Tenants First:  "advised us not to choose a building that we are extremely interested in. They informed us that their planner had determined that is was not suitable  for our needs. It was my understanding that this recommendation was made in spite of the fact our needs. It was my understanding that this recommendation was made in spite of the fact that the commission structure for this unsuitable space was almost double what they achieved  in the building that Dyson  recommended for our company...represented our interests as tenants throughout the entire transaction."

Every negotiation is different and some companies get better results than other as a result of market conditions, amount of space leased and other factors.  Rest assured I will use The Dyson System to get you the best possible results for your company too!  The current real estate market is extremely favourable for tenants, so let's see what we can negotiate for your company.   In my experience, this type of market is especially favourable for lease renewals for tenants.