Anthony Dyson, Broker of Record, The Tenant Defender Brokerage 416-410-1080
I only lease office buildings, I only work with tenants and I only work in your neighbourhood.

Action Guide

  • Locate your company on the Lead Time Guide and start preparing for Lease renewal or relocation at the appropriate time for your size range. 
  • Always use a Tenant broker for renewals even if you have to pay.  Tenant brokers who have knowledge of Lease clauses and/or Tenant brokers who work in tandem with lawyers will be your best bet.
  • Get your internal team together well ahead of time.
  • Hire your professionals.  Include a space planner/interior designer. 
  • Get the space planner to analyze your current layout if you are planning a Lease renewal and get them to do a space analysis if you are moving.
  • Evaluate all your short and long terms needs, wants and ideals.